Hi, I’m Asher
I am the founder and editor of Topic Expert. I am decided to build Topic Expert after frustrating experiences with blogging platforms.
As someone who wants to share his experience across a depth of topics I’ve got expertise in, I grew increasingly frustrated trying to build an audience for my content using the usual platforms (like Medium).
Topic Expert is about giving the power back to the topic experts (aka content creators)!
Our Vision
Our vision is to build a global content publishing and monetisation platform that allows independent content creators to share their genuine expertise on any topic they’re actually experts in.
The journey to becoming a content creator is riddled with frustrating problems that make it next to impossible for a small or casual content creator to reap any benefits from their content. Even if your content is great, most platforms rely on social signals and algorithms to promote your content. And ultimately those platforms retain full control over the audience and how its monetised.
Topic Expert believes that your content means its your audience, even if its on our platform. And that creators who participate in Topic Expert should be rewarded to the fullest of their content’s potential, and also choose how their content is monetised.
Lastly and most importantly, we believe in quality. Topic Expert believes that great content comes from people with actual and proven expertise, so we want to be selective about the content we publish to ensure we are building a quality destination for our audience.